Review of Zazubean Nudie Extra Dark Chocolate these are my personal impressions and feelings about the flavor of Zazubean.
Since I absolutely adore chocolate I am always looking for a chocolate bar I can eat! It is one of those things I crave from time to time. Since going grain free I have had such a hard time finding a candy bar that not only could I eat but that I would want to eat it. That it would taste yummy and be able to fill that craving. If you are like me then what you really want is milk chocolate without refined sugar. For more information see A Little About Me.
I am so tired of anticipating the yumminess of a beautifully wrapped food item only to be beyond disappointed.
Zazubean Chocolate:
ZAZUBEAN’s Nudie Extra Dark Chocolate is priced about $4.00 per bar. At any rate, the packaging is not as gorgeous as some I have seen. But, to be honest I don’t care what the wrapper looks like. I care about the taste. After removing the paper wrapper comes the tin foil wrapper. Once you tear through the tin foil the smell of dark chocolate will hit your nostrils. Is there a difference in smell in Milk or Dark Chocolate? Yes, there is! Dark chocolate is a deeper note.
Needless to say, this chocolate bar looks like any other bar I have seen on the market. In my opinion, I felt there was also the aroma of coconut sugar. However, the real test though is the taste test. It is dark and. therefore, there is a small hint of bitterness combined with an alluring sweet taste. Not to mention that this bar is a hit with me. In all honesty, the bar is decadent and will definitely hit the spot and will indeed, overcome your craving.
Using Chocolate Bar:
I recently bought three bars to make Chopped Chocolate Cookies. Moreover, I chopped up the chocolate bars and added to cookies. In a word, I got lots of compliments on my cookies. The chocolate melted and left my house smelling like warm chocolate cookies. I ask you is there a better smell than melting chocolate?
If you get a chance you should give this chocolate bar a chance! I am including pictures and a picture of the cookies I made with this chocolate.
* Disclaimer: I have received no remuneration of any kind for this review. These are my own unbiased personal thoughts, experience, opinions and feelings and have not been influenced in any way. (except by my own taste buds)
[…] chips. If you want to make chocolate chips from scratch follow my recipe here. I used three of the Zazubean Nudie Dark Chocolate Bars. They ran about 4 dollars for 3 oz. Then there is the cassava flour, Birch Xylitol or Monk Fruit […]